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T: +40 760 898 020
Luni - Duminica : 10:00 — 22:00
In zilele aglomerate (Sezon Coafat Special) programul poate incepe de la 6:00
Bulevardul Libertatii Nr.22,
Bucuresti, 050707

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The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
HydraFacials are a miracle treatment for common skin concerns such as: acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles dryness, redness, inflammation, age spots and can even general dullness. If you are looking to replenish the building blocks which lead to long-lasting, healthy-looking skin then a Hydrafacial could be exactly the ticket.